Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law You’ve been saving for a down payment for your own place…or the family’s growing and you need more room…or the kids are on their own and it’s time to downscale. When you are looking to buy, sell or rent real property, the more you know about the law, your rights and your options, the better you can protect your investment.

Our real estate law center offers helpful information on a wide range of topics, from the essential elements of a contract to buy or sell real property to the laws governing mortgages and real estate loans, from the ways you can protect yourself as a landlord or tenant to zoning and land use principles.

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Real Estate Law Practice Areas

  • Real estate transactions, such as buying a house, are governed by state contract law, as well as a variety of federal laws, including the Federal Fair Housing Act.

    Real Estate Contracts

  • The sale or purchase of real property requires specific legal steps to transfer all right, title and interest from the seller to the buyer.

    Transfer of Ownership

  • Real estate transactions involve a substantial amount of documentation and paperwork, including a lengthy list of documents that must be signed by one or both parties.

    Real Estate Closings

  • Title insurance protects individuals from potential losses that may arise after a real estate purchase.

    Title Insurance

  • A mortgage involves the transfer of a security interest in land as collateral for a loan or other obligation. Mortgages are mainly governed by state statutory and common law.

    Loan Documents and Mortgages

  • Landlord–tenant law governs of all parties related to the rental of commercial and residential property and is composed primarily of state statutory and common law.

    Lease Agreements and Landlord-Tenant Law

  • Zoning and land use laws regulate how land may be developed and used, typically establishing different zones for different types of use, such as commercial, residential or industrial.

    Zoning and Land Use

  • Contracts setting forth the duties and responsibilities of both parties in the construction of a residential or commercial structure address unique issues for everyone involved.

    Construction Contracts

  • The rights to exploit oil, gas and mineral rights in real property can be agreed upon by the parties, or may be subject to state laws.

    Oil, Gas and Mineral Rights

  • Water Law As water becomes more of a scarce resource, the body of law governing use of and access to water becomes more complex.

    Water Law

Latest Article

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  • What Is an Easement?

    By GetLegal

    How Do You Get an Easement? When Do You Need One? The purchase of real property conveys many rights You have the r... Read More

  • What Is Adverse Possession?

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    How Does Adverse Possession Affect Property Ownership? One way that property owners exercise their property rights is b... Read More


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