Welcome to the GetLegal Defective Drugs and Medical Devices Law Center! Here, you will find a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of the law on defective drugs and medical devices. Because the side effects of defective drugs and medical devices can range from pain and discomfort to serious injury and death, we offer accurate and up-to-date content on a broad range of medications and devices. An attorney can help you protect your rights and recover any losses if you are injured by a defective drug or medical device. But working with an attorney will be easier if you first understand some of the basics. Watch the video on the left for a quick tour of what you’ll find here.
What kinds of warnings should a pharmaceutical company provide for a medication? Are prescription medications treated differently than over-the-counter remedies? What sorts of damages are you entitled to if you are injured by a defective drug? Our overview of the basics provides answers to all of these questions and more. Learn about the law by clicking on one of the topics below.
What Are They? How Do They Differ from Pre-Nuptial Agreements? What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of a Post-Nup? Many ... Read More
What Is a Grand Jury Indictment and How Does It Work? Often, when a particular legal matter is getting a lot of press, ... Read More
How Does It Affect Your Property Rights? What Are the Different Types of Easements? How Do You Get an Easement? When yo... Read More
If you want to learn more about defective drug and medical device law, the internet offers a wealth of resources, but it can be hard to find the best and most accurate sources. To help you find the information that you need, we’ve compiled and organized a selection of the most notable online resources relating to defective drug and medical device law.
CPSC protects the public from the unreasonable risk of injury or death associated with the use of consumer products.
Serves to prohibit the movement of adulterated and misbranded food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics in interstate commerce.
The Drug Enforcement Agency's fact sheets give readers the latest information on various legal and illegal drugs.
Gives consumers current information, enabling them to gain access to high quality, safe, and effective medical devices.
Provides information gathered from press releases and other public notices about recalls of FDA-regulated products.
DrugInfo is a free guide intended to provide easy web access to resources for locating the most relevant information regarding medications.
Personal views of various topics that arise in the defense of pharmaceutical and medical device product liability litigation.
Enforces the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States.
The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of products such as human drugs and medical devices.
This specialized agency of the United Nations works in more than 150 countries to combat diseases, ensure the safety of the medicines and vaccines people need, and ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people.
This federal public health protects communities from harmful health effects related to exposure to natural and man-made hazardous substances.
Georgetown Law's research guide assists with the research in food, drug, and cosmetic law, in particular, federal law arising since the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and subsequent regulations.
Harvard Law School's Health Law Research provides a basic overview of health law and outlines helpful research strategies.
Loyola University Chicago's research guide helps you find primary federal health law, supporting information, and discourse related to health law.
DrugWatch provides quality, accurate information regarding prescription drug side effects, medical device complications, and related lawsuits giving consumers the information they need to make informed health care decisions.
See the Immigration Policy Center and Legal Action Center for policy and litigation information.
Links to forms, laws, regulations, and educational resources.
An interesting link on this site is the history of U.S. customs, border patrol, and immigration law.
Important sections are the Foreign Affairs Manual and the Foreign Affairs Handbooks. Also links to U.S. treaties.
An effort of leading immigrants' rights organizations that increases access to justice for immigrants by providing free, easily accessible, and comprehensive online resources.
A refugee resettlement agency that creates opportunity for refugees fleeing war, terror, and persecution to build new lives.
If you have suffered side effects from a defective drug or medical device, you may file an individual claim, or you may be able to participate in a class action. A personal injury attorney with experience in defective drug claims can help you understand and assert your rights. To have the best chance of accomplishing your goals, you need an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. The GetLegal Attorney Directory can help you find the right local attorney for you.
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