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Defective Drugs & Medical Devices

Defective drugs can be either over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs. While drugs can cure medical conditions and save lives, they also can cause harm. Some defective drugs cause severe adverse effects, physical or psychological injury, and even death. Injuries can be caused by the defective drug itself or by insufficient warnings or instructions for use.

To learn more about legal claims relating to injuries caused by defective drugs, visit our Pharmaceutical Law Center.

Medical devices can also be defective in ways that cause injury. Examples of defective medical devices include:

  • Pacemakers that stop or fail to keep a proper heart rhythm
  • Any malfunctioning device, such as a pain pump or insulin pump
  • Heart valve implants that leak or break, resulting in repeated surgeries or death
  • Improperly made or non-sterilized devices that cause infection

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