What to Do If You Have Been a Victim of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace It seems as if there are news stories about sexual harassment in the workplace nearly every day. Over the past five years, we've seen documentation of sexual improprieties in ... [Read more...]
Microaggressions in the Workplace
What Is a Microaggression? Is It Treated Differently from Other Forms of Workplace Discrimination? There's a common misperception that wrongful discrimination in employment involves only intentional and mean-spirited acts intended to exert power or ... [Read more...]
Sales Tax—Assessment, Collection, and Impact
What Laws Govern Sales Tax? What Items Are Subject to Sales Tax? What Is the Impact of a Sales Tax? For most Americans, some form of sales tax is a part of life. While there is no such thing as a federal sales tax, the vast majority of states assess ... [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
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The U.S. Constitution—Its Purpose and How It’s Organized
The Objectives of the Constitution | Finding Your Way Around the Constitution The primary original function of the U.S. Constitution, as put in place in March 1789, was to create a framework for the American system of government. Shortly thereafter, ... [Read more...]
The Separation of Powers Established by the United States Constitution
The Checks and Balances in Our System of Government After achieving independence from England in the Revolutionary War, our founding fathers adopted the Articles of Confederation to provide a central government for the 13 colonies. The Articles of ... [Read more...]
Voting Rights in the United States Constitution
Does the Constitution Protect the Right to Vote? Many would argue that the right to vote is our most important right, an essential component of democracy, but if you look at the text of the U.S. Constitution, as originally ratified, you won't find ... [Read more...]
Happy Halloween!
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The Credit Counseling and Debtor Education Requirements in Bankruptcy
What Is Required? When Must You Complete the Programs? After losing your job, suffering injury or illness, or going through a divorce, you might find it difficult or impossible to meet your financial obligations. A Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy ... [Read more...]
What Debt Collectors Can and Can’t Do Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
What Rights Do Debtors Have? What Collection Efforts Are Prohibited? When you're struggling to meet your financial obligations, you have enough on your mind without having to worry about aggressive or abusive debt collectors. That's one of the ... [Read more...]