When a police chief announces that he's going to take a stand against saggy pants, he makes himself an easy target. Doesn't he have anything, you know, important to do? Flint, Mich., police Chief David Dicks sent out a memo June 26 telling ... [Read more...]
Strip Search at School Crosses Line of Common Sense
There's something to be said for not doing things that don't make a lick of sense. Don't stick a fork in a toaster, don't thump a bees' nest with a broomstick and don't strip-search a 13-year-old girl because a classmate identifies her as a supplier ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law In Real Life
COLUMN: The Law In Real Life Strip Search at School Crosses Line of Common Sense There's something to be said for not doing things that don't make a lick of sense. Don't stick a fork in a toaster, don't thump a bees' nest with a broomstick and ... [Read more...]
Legal Blogs | Lawyers Branching Out into the Blogosphere
Blogging, once the communication domain of tech-savvy youngsters, has evolved into something that’s the opposite of Trix, the cereal that touts itself as “for kids.” Increasingly, lawyers are creating blogs about their law practices, court rulings ... [Read more...]
Christian License Plate Raises Constitutional Concerns
License plates used to be such simple things. A kid on a road trip could learn what the plates for all 50 states looked like and could check them off on a list. Not anymore. Standard license plates have been replaced in many states by diverse ... [Read more...]
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life: Christian License Plate Raises Constitutional Concerns
COLUMN: The Law in Real Life Christian License Plate Raises Constitutional Concerns License plates used to be such simple things. A kid on a road trip could learn what the plates for all 50 states looked like and could check them off on a list. ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Arbitration Contract Takes Away Patient Rights
Physicians Demand Patients Waive Trial by Jury in Malpractice Claims; What Protections Exist for Patients? The New York Times Magazine's column "The Ethicist" featured a question from a reader regarding a new practice by her physician. The patient ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Supreme Court Averts Danger by Disallowing the Death Penalty for Child Rape
The Supreme Court has undoubtedly lurched toward conservatism in the past 20 years, but death penalty cases have largely been an anomaly. Just in the past six years, the Court has banned the execution of juveniles and mentally retarded ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Marriage Rights and the Myth of Activist Judges
Yesterday was the first day same-sex couples were able to marry in California. The California Supreme Court gay marriage case that granted that right — the undramatically named In Re Marriage Cases — has started, or restarted, debates about ... [Read more...]
GetLegal.com Enters Partnership with Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute
GetLegal.com and the Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell University Law School have agreed to partner on a series of projects that will provide legal information to the public and also offer free legal research materials for both the public ... [Read more...]