Without a doubt one of the most impactful decisions in recent memory from the United States Supreme Court was its 2006 public-employee, free-speech decision in Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006). In this decision, the Court dramatically reduced the ... [Read more...]
Can a Creditor Pursue a Bankrupt Person’s Co-Signer After A Bankruptcy Discharge?
Many people have loans or debts that a friend or relative has guaranteed or co-signed. In these situations, debtors considering bankruptcy are often concerned whether a discharge of indebtedness will also absolve co-signors of their responsibility ... [Read more...]
GetLegal’s Client Intake System: Converting Leads into Revenue
Euless, Texas (August 27, 2009) — GetLegal today announced the launch of its new web-based Client Intake System (CIS). New clients are the lifeblood of any law firm, but the process of tracking and qualifying leads can be cumbersome and ... [Read more...]
GetLegal Accepts Webby at the 13th Annual Award Ceremony in New York City
This past June, GetLegal.com attended the 13th Annual Webby Awards ceremony in New York City to accept the award for Best Law Site of the year in the Webby People's Voice Awards. Saturday Night Live's Seth Meyers hosted the event alongside notable ... [Read more...]
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Without Actually Driving
Each state has its own Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (”DWI”) statute, each of which may define the elements of the crime differently. For example, in New York, pursuant to the Vehicle and Traffic Law, one may be ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Fetal Homicide Laws & Legal Abortion – The Common Denominator
In March, a Texas Court of Appeals issued its decision in Sanders v. State of Texas. In that case, Sanders was convicted of killing Angela Alex and her unborn child. He was convicted based on a Texas law that prohibits intentionally causing the death ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Will Michael Jackson’s Estate Serve as Another Example of Inadequate Planning?
The best there ever was and the best there ever will be cannot begin to describe the phenomenon that was Michael Jackson. For over three decades, Michael Jackson redefined the meaning of the word superstar. He was not just a talented singer and ... [Read more...]
Foreclosure Mediation: A New Approach to the Foreclosure Crisis
Foreclosure is the legal process that a lender or servicer uses to repossess a home. If the homeowner misses mortgage payments, the lender may petition a court to sell the property. The lender will use the proceeds of the sale to pay off the mortgage ... [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: Cultural Fit – Age Discrimination in the Internet Era
Cultural fit. Human resource experts throw those words around casually, even gleefully. Hire for cultural fit and your business will be more likely to function efficiently with happier employees who are well-suited to management and your workplace ... [Read more...]
GetLegal Named Best Law Site In Webby People’s Voice Awards
DALLAS, TX – MAY 5, 2009 - The global Web community has voted GetLegal as Best Law Site of the year in the Webby People's Voice Awards. This year, over 500,000 votes were cast by people around the world for their favorite sites, videos, and ads in ... [Read more...]