What Are They? How Do They Differ from Pre-Nuptial Agreements? What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of a Post-Nup? Many people are familiar with and understand how prenuptial agreements work. The parties to a marriage agree in advance how debts and ... [Read more...]
Grand Jury Indictment
What Is a Grand Jury Indictment and How Does It Work? Often, when a particular legal matter is getting a lot of press, there will be reports of grand jury proceedings and whether the grand jury has "returned an indictment." What is a grand jury ... [Read more...]
What Is an Easement?
How Does It Affect Your Property Rights? What Are the Different Types of Easements? How Do You Get an Easement? When you purchase and take title to property, one of the things that you typically expect is exclusive use of the premises. But that's ... [Read more...]
The 8th Amendment Ban on Cruel and Unusual Punishment
How Have Courts Interpreted This? What Are the Legal Limits? Under the 8th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified as part of the original Bill of Rights in 1791, "cruel and unusual punishment" is prohibited in the United States. Foes of ... [Read more...]
Obstruction of Justice—What Does It Mean for You?
A Basic Understanding of the Often-Heard Legal Charge If you've watched many police or courtroom shows, you've most likely heard the term "obstruction of justice" bandied about by a law enforcement officer or prosecutor. What is obstruction of ... [Read more...]
Divorce or Annulment—Which Is Right for You?
What's the Difference? When Can You Annul a Marriage? Your marriage has broken down and there appears to be no way to salvage it. You may have already considered filing for divorce, but you've also heard the term "annulment." What is that? How does ... [Read more...]
Wishing You And Yours A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
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The Subrogation Process: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
How Does Subrogation Facilitate the Payment of Insurance Claims? When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and you have insurance, your insurance provider will typically cover the costs of damage to a vehicle and any medical treatment ... [Read more...]
The Legal Recognition of Common Law Marriage
Is Common Law Marriage Still Enforced? How Is a Common Law Marriage Terminated? The vast majority of people who get married do so by getting a marriage license and having a ceremony, either in a church or at the courthouse. The idea that two people ... [Read more...]
The Supremacy Clause—Power and Limits
What Is the Supremacy Clause? What Are the Limits? Examples of Its Use We live in the "united" states of America, a conglomeration of separate jurisdictions that have their own laws, but which are also, at some point and to some degree, subject to ... [Read more...]